We'll connect you with authors looking for help

At BusyBee, our goal is to help Author Assistants find great jobs and give them the tools and support they need to do well.
Our vision is not to just create another 'directory', but one that values the expertise of author assistants and their work.

Why Partner With Us

BusyBee is a service directory dedicated to matching authors with the service providers they are looking for to help them accomplish the many tasks that come along with writing, publishing and selling a book!

We provide access to more job opportunities

Create a profile on BB to show authors your skills and access a wide range of job listings directly.

You set your own rates

We take ZERO commissions from your jobs. You pay a fee when you sign up, but 100% of all the earnings from your work are yours.

You'll be among the very best

We purposefully try to keep our community small, so we can focus on the best professionals rather than growing a huge pool of assistants 'just because'.

You are in full control with your clients

Once we have connected you with an author, it's up to you to communicate and handle your projects with them directly.

Joining BusyBee is simple.

Start Your Application

Start your journey by clicking the 'Start Your Application' button here on the left. This will take you to a checkout page where you can complete your purchase.

Complete Your Profile

Once you have made your investment, you'll be asked to complete your profile with all your details, availability, rates, etc.

Wait for Approval

Give us 24-48 hours to review your application (yes, we go through all of them one by one!). We will be getting in touch with you as soon as we have an update.

Start Working!

Once your profile is approved, you are ready to look for available jobs in your dashboard and start working!